Friday, December 7, 2018

Circumstances do not matter for my success because.

When God said let there be light, the earth was dark, without form, like a black hole. God didn’t check the circumstances to see if it was possible. He didn’t have experts analyze it to see if they thought it could happen. He simply spoke. When God commanded light, it came at 186,000 miles per second. 

All the circumstances can be against you. The experts may say, “You’ll never be successful; you’ll never get well.” But we serve a supernatural God. When He commands the blessing, all the forces of darkness cannot stop Him.  - From the sermons of Pastor Joel Osteen.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Curious numbers to note

King David ruled Israel for 40 years.

King of Kings, Lord Jesus Christ,Yeshua, spent 4o days in dessert.

King David ruled Israel 33 years from Jerusalem.

Our Lord lived in human flesh for 33 years.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Prayer time and types - different beliefs

Everyone has their own way of praying and methods.

I have come across a few types.  you can add what you have come across.
Those who read this may benefit.

Kneel down at 5 am:

It happened a few years back. A colleague of mine was looking for a Government job for his wife.  They applied to a certain vacancy in their home state. She cleared the written test and attended the interview. She was told that she will get communication before a certain date if selected. But days passed after attending an interview. They had neither money to bribe anyone not know anyone to influence. But both husband and wife used to keel down exactly at 5 am every day from the date they sent the application, light two candles in front of Jesus photo.   They continued without stopping their prayer.  They used to get up at 4.45 am. Kneel down sharply at 5 am. Light the candle and pray with tears. 

Last but one day before the end date, they got a call from their native place that appointment order has come. They rushed back to their home state. She joined. My colleague narrated this to me while leaving his current job.  Get up at 5 am. Kneel down and pray. You will be heard.

Just fast and pray

Another person I knew well used to fast every day, avoid meat and pray for his intentions while walking, sitting, going, coming, all the time. He did not even speak to others during the fasting. 
Once his intention is fulfilled, he takes up another intention and continues. It looks like a mad way of praying. But he rose from poverty to abundance prosperity today. He gave testimony once that he asked for one house and one car but God has given them in double.  Just fast and Pray.

Mass and communion:

An interesting story of a Catholic professor. He never misses daily mass and communion. He confesses every month. While many Catholics forgot confession nowadays, this professor regularly confesses to a priest. He was working as a technical trainer in a multinational company and one day, the company has closed their Bangalore office. He lost the job but not his faith. He witnesses even today that Jesus in communion he takes every day helped him to get a job at a prestigious university in Bangalore, even though there was no relevant vacancy at that time. 

You can see this man walking to Church every day at 5.45 am even today whether it is raining or heavy mist, even when fallen sick. 


Another person is known to me always used to sing devotional songs silently even though he has torn voice. He knows hundreds of songs. He knows verses in the scripture only by the songs he sings not by reading the Bible.  He witnesses that whenever he goes through turbulence in his life, he just sings with tears. Whenever he succeeds, he sings with joy. He witnesses that he has a double portion of blessings in his life. 

One minute multiple prayers during midnight:

I met a successful entrepreneur recently. His story is interesting. He wakes up a couple of times while sleeping in the night. Goes in front of Jesus portrait, stand for a minute. Just stand and goes back to sleep again. During tough time or the at the time of the need, he ensures he prayers at 3 am regularly. 
He says confidently that Jesus listens to him.  

His personal bible is 20 years old. His bible has more written notes and underlines than the actual printing. He used to write date and time when God has given a specific verse to him. He carries it wherever he goes. 

No formal prayer, only talking:

This is about myself. I keep talking to my Lord. I do not any formal prayers. 
I don't have any specific time and place. While I am alone, I just speak to him. 
I visualize HE is sitting/standing next to me. That's it.

Those who read this can share your way of praying or what you have seen.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Rich Pastor and Poor Pastor - 2

I , Me, and Mine:

Jesus did not appoint his  brothers and sisters as disciples. Jesus did not charge for his miracles.
Jesus visited both poor and rich.  Jesus did not appoint his mother as a head of the church.
Jesus never said he needs minimum crowd to address. Jesus did not sell his sermons, never asked his disciples to make wealth out the mission.

St. Paul writes in I Timothy 5:17, 18:
"The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching". But what about looting and living lavish Kingly life. 
Poor pastor mind is making wealth for him, his family and for his next generation. Rich pastor takes care of his sheep.  He gives everything for his congregation.  

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Rich Pastor and Poor Pastor - 1

  1. Where is your treasure, there is your heart will be also (Mathew 6:21).

Rich pastor's heart is in the word of God. He meditates word of God day and night. Rich pastor believes the Word of God word by word and follows it. He witnesses the Word God to his congregation. It is a Faith. No question how Sun moved back for 40 minutes (2 Kings 8-11) and Joshua's long day (Joshua 10: 12-13). Rich pastor do not wait for Nasa to prove it.  His life is not contracting to Word of God.  His eyes are not on worldly materials, money, tithing, women, wealth creation,  power, caste, language.... He preaches and practices too.

Sachin Tendulkar is a number one cricket player.  he never said, "I am the number one cricket player in the world so I do not require a practice match before the world cup match".  Even though he is a number one player, he never misses any practice match before the actual match. Rich pastor does not open Bible on Sunday only.  It is in his heart. He mediates it day and night, every day until his death. Because he has called for it. That is his life. Poor pastor opens the Bible just before the service. He articulates worldly stories for his congregation.  There is no life in what he utters in service.  There is no praises. There is no power of Holy Spirit. There  is no spiritual experience but only ritual experience.  Poor pastor compromises worldly pleasure for word of God.    For poor pastor, his body is not temple of Christ. 

For rich pastor witnessing a Word of God is Life because his heart is there. 
For poor pastor it is a job. A survival.

Know the tree by its fruits.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Rich Pastor and Poor Pastor - Introduction

Robert T Kiyosaki's Rich Dad and Poor Dad is a very famous book. This book is talking about what rich dads teach their kids and what poor and middle-class dads do not teach their kids.

I regularly watch few Television-evangelists programmes on youtube. My Facebook knows my taste and keeps recommending a lot of such sermons. I have a good number of video collections of the particular evangelist.

After experimenting the number of churches (from Pentecost to Jehova's witness to Lutheran to name any ) during 2004 - 2006 and decided to be in the Catholic church for various reasons, I go to Sunday mass regularly at least to be a good role model to my children.

Suddenly I realized why some pastors/priests are successful and many are not. A pastor/priest living on the other side of the globe influences me while a pastor/priest living in my neighborhood not.
So here is "Rich Pastor and Poor Pastor: What Rich Pastors teach their congregation members and poor and middle-class do not!".

I will keep pouring in my thoughts on this subject. 

* Pastor means all who preach irrespective of the church they belong to.
* Rich and Poor does not imply wealth accumulation in my discussion

                                                                                                                 (To be continued)

Friday, September 7, 2018

know more about devil also - part 2

We recognize the voice when someone close to us calls even from an unknown telephone number. When a school time friend calls us after many years, we take time to recognize his/her voice. When strangers call us, we are not able to recognize them. 
How close we are with Jesus determines how fast and accurately we recognize his voice?

There is a general opinion that God speaks to only spiritual people, regular churchgoers, good people etc. May not be correct.

He spoke to Zacharias, visited his house and had a dinner.  no more examples required.

He speaks to everyone. He speaks to me. I am not a saint or regular churchgoer.   Point is that he speaks to us but we do not recognize his voice or do not believe that he is speaking to us or we are deceived by Lucifer's voice.

How to filter out Lucifer's voice and recognize Jesus' voice?

For every tree is known by its fruits. (Luke 6:44). So the voice also.

The fruits of Lucifer's voice are

1. Pride:
Lucifer and his friends are obsessed with pride in their beauty.
They are fallen-angels. They were thrown out of heaven because they were proud of their beauty.
Does the voice you hear provoke pride within you? If yes, Lucifer is trying to reach you.

2. Power:

Lucifer wants everyone to worship him. He wants our recognition.
Voluntarily he represented the earth before God (Ref. book of Job).
He asked Jesus to worship him.
He is asking you and me to worship him.
Does the voice you hear promises power to you? Be assured, the devil online.

3. Lust:

Lucifer is obsessed with lust. He and his team fell in love with daughters of human and married them.
Also read Gen 2:25 and Gen 3: 10 and 11.

Ha...ha.... don't worry. if you hear a voice provoking lust within you.  Lucifer is not calling. He is very much within you...

4. Wealth:
God's blessings on wealth are blessings to you, your family, your community.
Neither stolen nor grabbed from others.
True wealth is hard earned.
Check from where you get your wealth?

5. Deception:
Satan is the liar. He makes us believe his lies, stories. He uses our ignorance to believe his lies.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Know more about devil also

Know more about the devil and his plans also. 
Hmmm. this point was racing in my thoughts for quite some time.   Why should I think about Lucifer or write about him?  Then few incidents I came across my mind and reminded me that the need for knowing who Lucifer and his motive on earth are. 

Be you, therefore, wise as serpents.... (Mathew 10:16).

This is clear instruction from our Lord that we should as wise as serpents. But serpents are cunning, not portrayed as good animal/reptile on earth.  Serpents know how to avoid danger. 
What our Lord wants us to be by saying we should be like serpents that we have to be cunning in avoiding evil. For this, we should know which is good and which is evil. So be wise as serpents.

Why should we know about evil?  The answer is “But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 11.14). Should we not differentiate evil from angels/good.

Recently, I came across a witness of non-believer who was about to end her life because of her illness and a continuous whispering sound she used to hear in her ear which induced her to end her life, was saved by  Jesus.  The devil used to whisper in her ear to end her life. But she made a small prayer to Jesus and healed. 

Witnessed another incident recently. A person who is supposed to be more spiritual fell down from the terrace and died. Friends of him told us that he stopped prayers and visiting the church for a week before his death.  No surprise. In a spiritual war, Lucifer won and made him move away from Jesus before he takes his life. Knowingly or unknowingly this man listened to Lucifer, not to the Call of God.  The surprise was that God revealed evil's plan to a pastor-cousin of this man in a dream.  Before pastor-cousin realizes the dream and warns his cousin, he fell down. Lucifer was so fast in his implementation. No doubt that Lucifer was campaigning to add more followers to him.

Devil may try to disguise and cheat us.  So it is better to know him and tell “Satan, move away from me”.  If our soul is weak and unable to recognize the devil, we may end up embracing him.  

“Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:3). In the journey of knowing our Father and his only son our Lord Jesus Christ, let us not be cheated by evil. 

Know that Eve did not realize the evil plan of Lucifer, even though she had an opportunity to interact with God the Father.

Know that Judas failed to realize the evil plan of Lucifer, even though he lived with our Lord for 3 years.

Let us be careful and pray for a wisdom to differentiate between good and evil. 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Roses come with thorns

Roses come with thorn. One has to carefully pluck the roses from the plant else scratches are inevitable.

Life will never be filled with roses only.  There will be scratches. 

Look at these two verses.

A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; (Psalm 91;7)
when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.

When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.  (Isaiah 43:2)

Yes. Not one, not two. Thousands will fall at your side.
Your path will not be an easy road. You will walk through waters, you will walk through fire.  
But, But…nothing will harm you.

You need steadfast faith and love for Jesus. That’s it.
If you afraid, you will begin to sink. ( Mathew 14;30).
No problem. Don’t give up. Cry out. Say “ Lord save me” (Mat 14;30)

Immediately Jesus will reach out his hand and catch you, “You of little faith,” he will tell you, “why did you doubt?” (Mat 14;31)

Since he has done to me, I am sure he will do to you also. Just Try. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Self Disclaimer

When you read my blogs, it may give you an impression that I am either religious or spiritual. 
If you think so, it is not correct. 
I just love Jesus. I am like any normal human beings with my own likes and dislikes. 
I slip.

Whenever I slip, I look at his feet, feeling shy to speak to him. I will shy to look at his face. But he never abandoned me.  He knows me and loves me a lot. It is not I chose him. HE likes me so much. I hug him, kiss him and lean on his shoulder. The way I talk to my friends, I talk to him. நீர் என்னை மயக்கி விட்டீர், நானும் மயங்கிப்போனேன்.You deceived me, Lord, and I was deceived (Jer 20;7)
Sweet kisses daddy.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Enjoy "Our Father in heaven" in Hebrew.


The tune and the music are awesome.

Aveenu (Our Father)

Have a Blessed day!.

For thine is the Kingdome, the power and the Glory, now and forever. Amen.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Auto driver I met today

I travel by train from home to Cantonment, fetch an auto to my office every day for the last 2 and half years.  when I was waiting for an auto, a pass by auto stopped and offered a trip.  So I skipped a regular auto stand and got into this auto.  A conversation began between me and the driver. He said he is a Christian, do not believe pastors and has a direct contact with Lord. He said he does not allow anyone between him and his lord. 

A strange introduction by an auto driver very first time.

He said singing is the way he connects to the lord and he sings while driving while waiting for a customer. He said, he is happy with 500 to 600 per day and goes home. 

And he started singing loudly with joy.  A big surprise to me. 

Need not to say. I joined him in singing. Praised God for God's mercy and love. 

while I got down, I prayed for him and requested a prayer for me also.

Forgot to mention. The meter was very accurate and he did not ask for more.

I thank Jesus for all my troubles, pain and financial losses me and my family went through. Because, when I cried, I heard HIS voice. I felt HIS presence with us. We felt HE is carrying us.
without troubles and pain, we could have missed  HIM.

I don't know how to describe HIS voice. Bue when you hear HIM, you know HIS voice.  I bet.

I heard him speaking to me.

I am the witness. We are back on the track.

This is Lord's doing and it is miracle to our eyes.

I am returning to my blog after 6 years.

The turbulent started in late 2012 and continued till late 2015 has tarnished me financially. I lost nearly 5.5 million Indian rupees, faced claims cases in courts and a loss of job for 6 months.
God restored me, healed me and bringing me back.

During these years, I completely forgot my blog writing.  woke up now.

I am turning 50 this year. I wanted to write more. I want my writings to encourage my fellow men and women to have hope and courage, to succeed in their life.

Let me start to write.