Rich Pastor and Poor Pastor - Introduction

Robert T Kiyosaki's Rich Dad and Poor Dad is a very famous book. This book is talking about what rich dads teach their kids and what poor and middle-class dads do not teach their kids.

I regularly watch few Television-evangelists programmes on youtube. My Facebook knows my taste and keeps recommending a lot of such sermons. I have a good number of video collections of the particular evangelist.

After experimenting the number of churches (from Pentecost to Jehova's witness to Lutheran to name any ) during 2004 - 2006 and decided to be in the Catholic church for various reasons, I go to Sunday mass regularly at least to be a good role model to my children.

Suddenly I realized why some pastors/priests are successful and many are not. A pastor/priest living on the other side of the globe influences me while a pastor/priest living in my neighborhood not.
So here is "Rich Pastor and Poor Pastor: What Rich Pastors teach their congregation members and poor and middle-class do not!".

I will keep pouring in my thoughts on this subject. 

* Pastor means all who preach irrespective of the church they belong to.
* Rich and Poor does not imply wealth accumulation in my discussion

                                                                                                                 (To be continued)


Stars Jasmine said…
Waiting for the continuation

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