Rich Pastor and Poor Pastor - 1

  1. Where is your treasure, there is your heart will be also (Mathew 6:21).

Rich pastor's heart is in the word of God. He meditates word of God day and night. Rich pastor believes the Word of God word by word and follows it. He witnesses the Word God to his congregation. It is a Faith. No question how Sun moved back for 40 minutes (2 Kings 8-11) and Joshua's long day (Joshua 10: 12-13). Rich pastor do not wait for Nasa to prove it.  His life is not contracting to Word of God.  His eyes are not on worldly materials, money, tithing, women, wealth creation,  power, caste, language.... He preaches and practices too.

Sachin Tendulkar is a number one cricket player.  he never said, "I am the number one cricket player in the world so I do not require a practice match before the world cup match".  Even though he is a number one player, he never misses any practice match before the actual match. Rich pastor does not open Bible on Sunday only.  It is in his heart. He mediates it day and night, every day until his death. Because he has called for it. That is his life. Poor pastor opens the Bible just before the service. He articulates worldly stories for his congregation.  There is no life in what he utters in service.  There is no praises. There is no power of Holy Spirit. There  is no spiritual experience but only ritual experience.  Poor pastor compromises worldly pleasure for word of God.    For poor pastor, his body is not temple of Christ. 

For rich pastor witnessing a Word of God is Life because his heart is there. 
For poor pastor it is a job. A survival.

Know the tree by its fruits.


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