
A warning bell has rung already.

A warning bell has rung already. Finance ministry mulling 3-5% tax in Budget on cash withdrawal of 10 lakh a year. withdrawing a cumulative  ₹ 10 lakh a year can attract 3-5 per cent tax if a proposal going around in the Finance Ministry takes shape in the Budget to track high value cash deals and make digital payments mandatory. In its push towards a digital economy, the central government is thinking of introducing a tax of 3-5 per cent on cash withdrawal of  ₹ 10 lakh in a year, a move to discourage cash usage in the economy and resultant black money. Finance ministry may impose a rule on possessing cash on hand.  There is a talk going on that having cash of more than 5 Lakh may not be permitted.  Let us wait for a few more months to see Govt initiative on this.  Government's intention is to reduce the black money. The good initiative only.  But slowly digital currency will only be available. Especially after GST implementation and demonetization App ba

Prophecy for you and I

Believe, every one of us is a prophet.  You will agree with me after reading my views. On 1st January every year, almost all the preachers in the world declare that Jesus / God / Lord spoke to them and gave the prophecy for the new year. They share the best verse from the scriptures. We are all excited.   Our faith increases, along with our hope.  We rejoice that our cup is going to overflow. My views: I do not know how many of these new year prophets have really spoken to God and our Lord Jesus Christ.  Very few may be. God has given HIS word to all of us. Not restricted to few. Every one of us can claim blessings as we are HIS children. We have the right to ask our portion from our Father.  If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?  (Mathew chapter 6 verse 30). So we need really a very big faith to have big blessings. An actor's son


A few decades ago, access to pornography was tough. They were not accessible to the common man of this world. The pornographic books were called yellow books and the videos were called blue films. Very few theaters, one or two, in cities used to screen certain movies. Common men normally avoid such theatres those days. Even though those films were soft porn movies, many men dared to go to those theatres.  Gone are those days. With low-cost internet facilities with smartphones, many men and women are addicted to watching porn movies in their phones. The worst part of this culture is that they watch in public places. They carry all the time in their phones. Men and women. the rich and poor.  Students. girls and boys. Religious and atheist.  Control yourselves and be careful! The devil is your enemy, and he goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to attack and eat. (1 Peter 5: 8  Easy to read English version) Am I like Joseph? Potiphar's wife came

You are not alone. You are under surveillance.

I received an sms advertising for a vacation trip to Goa. I notice my Gmail started popping out advertisements on a trip to Goa. My Facebook page started popping out an advertisement on vacation trips. This is not surprising to me because just a day before I spoke to our travel agent for sending our staff either to Goa or to Munnar for an annual excursion. It was just a call. No messages or emails exchanged. This neither first time nor happened only to me. Most of us are experiencing this every day. If you have not noticed this so far, start to observe. Computers sitting another part of the globe is monitoring you, monitoring your calls, messages, where do you and what do you do.  As on today, these monitoring is used only for commercials. Google offers most of its applications free to you. Then how do they make money? Data about you are collected and shared with corporate. These corporates market their products and services to you.  In the above incident, the sms

Circumstances do not matter for my success because.

When God said let there be light, the earth was dark, without form, like a black hole. God didn’t check the circumstances to see if it was possible. He didn’t have experts analyze it to see if they thought it could happen. He simply spoke. When God commanded light, it came at 186,000 miles per second.  All the circumstances can be against you. The experts may say, “You’ll never be successful; you’ll never get well.” But we serve a supernatural God. When He commands the blessing, all the forces of darkness cannot stop Him.  - From the sermons of Pastor Joel Osteen.

Curious numbers to note

King David ruled Israel for 40 years. King of Kings, Lord Jesus Christ,Yeshua, spent 4o days in dessert. King David ruled Israel 33 years from Jerusalem. Our Lord lived in human flesh for 33 years.

Prayer time and types - different beliefs

Everyone has their own way of praying and methods. I have come across a few types.  you can add what you have come across. Those who read this may benefit. Kneel down at 5 am: It happened a few years back. A colleague of mine was looking for a Government job for his wife.  They applied to a certain vacancy in their home state. She cleared the written test and attended the interview. She was told that she will get communication before a certain date if selected. But days passed after attending an interview. They had neither money to bribe anyone not know anyone to influence. But both husband and wife used to keel down exactly at 5 am every day from the date they sent the application, light two candles in front of Jesus photo.   They continued without stopping their prayer.  They used to get up at 4.45 am. Kneel down sharply at 5 am. Light the candle and pray with tears.  Last but one day before the end date, they got a call from their native place that appointment order ha