Prayer time and types - different beliefs

Everyone has their own way of praying and methods.

I have come across a few types.  you can add what you have come across.
Those who read this may benefit.

Kneel down at 5 am:

It happened a few years back. A colleague of mine was looking for a Government job for his wife.  They applied to a certain vacancy in their home state. She cleared the written test and attended the interview. She was told that she will get communication before a certain date if selected. But days passed after attending an interview. They had neither money to bribe anyone not know anyone to influence. But both husband and wife used to keel down exactly at 5 am every day from the date they sent the application, light two candles in front of Jesus photo.   They continued without stopping their prayer.  They used to get up at 4.45 am. Kneel down sharply at 5 am. Light the candle and pray with tears. 

Last but one day before the end date, they got a call from their native place that appointment order has come. They rushed back to their home state. She joined. My colleague narrated this to me while leaving his current job.  Get up at 5 am. Kneel down and pray. You will be heard.

Just fast and pray

Another person I knew well used to fast every day, avoid meat and pray for his intentions while walking, sitting, going, coming, all the time. He did not even speak to others during the fasting. 
Once his intention is fulfilled, he takes up another intention and continues. It looks like a mad way of praying. But he rose from poverty to abundance prosperity today. He gave testimony once that he asked for one house and one car but God has given them in double.  Just fast and Pray.

Mass and communion:

An interesting story of a Catholic professor. He never misses daily mass and communion. He confesses every month. While many Catholics forgot confession nowadays, this professor regularly confesses to a priest. He was working as a technical trainer in a multinational company and one day, the company has closed their Bangalore office. He lost the job but not his faith. He witnesses even today that Jesus in communion he takes every day helped him to get a job at a prestigious university in Bangalore, even though there was no relevant vacancy at that time. 

You can see this man walking to Church every day at 5.45 am even today whether it is raining or heavy mist, even when fallen sick. 


Another person is known to me always used to sing devotional songs silently even though he has torn voice. He knows hundreds of songs. He knows verses in the scripture only by the songs he sings not by reading the Bible.  He witnesses that whenever he goes through turbulence in his life, he just sings with tears. Whenever he succeeds, he sings with joy. He witnesses that he has a double portion of blessings in his life. 

One minute multiple prayers during midnight:

I met a successful entrepreneur recently. His story is interesting. He wakes up a couple of times while sleeping in the night. Goes in front of Jesus portrait, stand for a minute. Just stand and goes back to sleep again. During tough time or the at the time of the need, he ensures he prayers at 3 am regularly. 
He says confidently that Jesus listens to him.  

His personal bible is 20 years old. His bible has more written notes and underlines than the actual printing. He used to write date and time when God has given a specific verse to him. He carries it wherever he goes. 

No formal prayer, only talking:

This is about myself. I keep talking to my Lord. I do not any formal prayers. 
I don't have any specific time and place. While I am alone, I just speak to him. 
I visualize HE is sitting/standing next to me. That's it.

Those who read this can share your way of praying or what you have seen.


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