Why Israel is special to us?

About 80% of our Bible is about Israel.
Our faith has its roots dug deeply into Israel's soil.
Our Lord walked there.
The prophets preached there.
Jesus started His Church there.
The Apostles took the Great Commission to the world from there. And of course the Scriptures were given by God to His choice leaders there.

The nation, Israel, itself is a miracle too.

A miracle is that it even survives in the midst of the Islamic Middle East.

The cell phone was developed in Israel by Israelis working for Motorola.
Voice mail technology was developed in Israel by Israelis working for Microsoft and Cisco.
Instant Messenger for America Online was developed in 1996 by four young Israelis.
Israel has the largest number of NASDAQ listed companies outside the United States and Canada.
Israel has the highest number of scientists and technicians per capita in the workforce. One hundred forty five out of every ten thousand Israelis are employed in these technical professions.
Israel is the only country to enter the twenty-first century with a net gain of trees.
Israel ranks number 2 in the world with the second highest per capita [publishing] of new books.
Israel has the world's best airline flight security.
Israel also has the largest number of biotech startups per capita.

And this one is just flat-out mind blowing - between 1901 and 2006 there have been 750 Nobel Peace Prize winners. Of the 750 winners, Jews have accounted for 158!
Twelve million Jews account for twenty-two percent of all Nobel Peace Prizes.


Ignatius Elango said…
How true Br. A country which lost its identity for the last 1900 years when Jesus said, "Your house will be left desolate unto you", and as the Bible says that he will call back all his people and form the lost nation came true in 1948 when the Israel came out as an independent country and is one of the leading countries fulfilling the prophecies of the holy scripture.
Good knowledge on Israel Br. Keep going.
Regards and God Bless
Ignatius Elango
Say It In Color said…
You have found the TRUTH....isn't it wonderful? So many do not understand...I pray for those who continue to be fooled by another so called God...Praise Jesus for your belief....In His Will....shery

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