Malachy's Prophecies

St. Malachy was born in 1094 A.D. at Armagh, Ireland. He died as he himself predicted. On his last trek to the holy see in Rome, in 1148, Malachy accurately predicted the place and time of his own death: Clairvaux, France, on All Souls Day, November 2, of that same year.
Saint Malachy was, who, while on a visit to Rome had a vision of all the popes who would ever reign. Malachy "saw"-and committed to paper- a series of Latin phrases describing the popes to come.
He predicted that a total of 112 men would hold the office of Pope from then till the End of the Age and gave cryptic descriptions of each one that have all been reasonably accurate, lending credibility to the prophecy. Malachy made the prophecy in 1139.
The pope about to be named is number 111, next to last on St. Malachy's list. As per Malchi’s vision, the current pope is the last but one. The next pope will be the last pope.
The last pope, called Peter the Roman, "will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city (Rome) will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people."
Will the papacy of this 78 year old pope be short lived?
Is this the beginning of Tribulation?
Will the next pope be the last pope?
Will the next pope be a Roman and choose the name Peter?
The Or, will Tribulation begin AFTER the Anti-Christ has shown himself as a person of peace and already made peace with Israel's enemies for seven years?
God, the Father only knows.


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