You can win. Self-improvement books and seminars.

Ha!, I've read lot about this. You can win, habits of highly effective people... so many. But above all, we forget one thing in our live. To whom we give priority, to money. to our work, to our friends... we have lot in this list.

When we give priority to Jesus, we will over come all our troubles. But we never try this or keep him as last option.

We want Jesus to help us when we are in trouble. but he has to move away from us when we do worldly things. I've seen many good Sunday Christians. Theyclaim that they love Jesus. They go to church every Sunday. But they smoke, they drink. How is it possible to spoil our body which is the church of Christ? How can we say that we love Jesus and He is with us all the time? He is not going to be with a person who smokes, who drinks, who has lust in his eyes, who gives priority to worldly affairs.

I've tried. I've tested in my life. My friends, you too try this. Whatever you do, ask a simple question, whether our Jesus likes this or not?, consult him for each and every activity in your life. I assure that your success is assured. You need not to refer any self improvement books. Simple. Have Jesus with you always. Taste the success in your life.


Unknown said…
your blog inspires me alot:)

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