True witness. And kisses to Jesus, my sweet.

My current employer is slowly sidelining me in most of the issues and activities. I felt uneasy at many times. Either I have tolerate and live like a dump or to leave the company.

I asked Jesus to be with me. I asked him to guide me properly.
He answered my prayer.

I resigned from this company and moving to better place and better position.

This looks funny for many. People may think that this is an ordinary event. Just continue reading this.

During my interview the interviewer He started our conversation with Church and told me that he went to church that morning and celebrated Father's day there with local parishioners. He introduced himself as a Catholic.

Does any interview in the world starts like this?

Praise and Thanks to our Father and my beloved Jesus.

I am not worth of his love but He still loves me very much.

Sweet kisses to my sweet Jesus.


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