
REAL = 4 key things to success


Leaders touch with the heart before they reach for the hand. You have to be good at relationships – it is that simple. Successful people get along with other people. Ability to related and connect with people critical


Successful people always equip and train and develop and coach people. What are you doing to develop yourself and others? (2 key questions)


Having the right attitude in the face of adversity. When you are faced with difficulty, failure, how you react. Attitude isn’t everything it is the main thing as far as success. (but attitude can’t makeup for incompetence, not good to be a happy person while going bankrupt). But all things being equal, attitude is the difference maker. Able to overcome because of right attitude


Successful people have learned how to lead others.

5 levels of leadership (envision as a 5-step staircase)

1. POSITION: (Rights)

a. people follow because they have to.

b. (ie you are the boss and they have to to get the paycheck). The mistake people make is thinking this is the highest level of leadership (ie getting the position) when it is really the lowest level. The position doesn’t make the leader, but the leader makes the position.

c. Leadership is not title but influence

d. Leaders develop daily, not in a day (ie getting the position doesn’t make you a leader)

e. A huge myth is “I can’t lead unless I am top” … this is simply not true. Major influencers like Mother Teresa/Martin Luther King were not the top leader, but they had influence

2. PERMISSION:(Relationships)

a. people follow because they want to.

b. People here understand that position is not enough, but relationships are important for people to “permit” them to lead them

c. A great test is leading volunteers

d. If you lost your position tomorrow, would you still have influence?

e. Relationships are key here … the elevator principle is some people lift you up and others bring you down (to the basement). 2 types of people – people who lift and people who lean. Most people who lean don’t do it intentionally. They just take more than they give. However, those who lift do it intentionally.

f. Every day you either add value to people or you subtract value

g. Leaders lift others, add value, and give to others

3. PRODUCTION: (Results)

a. people follow because of what you have done for the organization

b. Here you are recognized that things are better because of you (not that She/he is here, things are better)

c. People follow you because of your example

d. Credibility because you’ve been there, done that, and had results

e. You have momentum here – which is the big exaggerator. People start to think you are better than you are, You’ve got that big “mo” going. When you have momentum, don’t let up … put the pedal down and keep pushing versus letting up


a. people follow because of what you have done for them.

b. Who would say in a positive way you have influenced their life?

c. They are loyal to you because of what you have done for them. People follow you because their life has been changed because of you.

d. You are show them how to not only do the job, but how to be successful in life.

e. Everything compounds at level 4 … things are additive at level 3 …. But they multiply at level 4

f. How do you develop people? It all starts with the desire to add value to people.

3 ways to add value

i) You need to value people – it is just that simple. Only real reason to be a leader is to add value to other people.

ii. You need to know and relate to what they value. We listen. We know what they value. You know who they are, you know and relate to what they value.

iii. You need to improve and add more value. You need to be a tour guide and get on the bus with them (you can’t be the travel agent and send them to places you’ve never been before)

5. PERSONHOOD:(Respect)

a. People follow because of who you are and what you represent

b. When you stand up and cast the vision and/or communicate change, often the responses from the team are different. Some think great and some think hell no I won’t go. People do not hear you for what you say, they hear you based on what level they are on with you. So look at your key players and where they are on the staircase. Build a strategy to get people to the next level. The higher the levels they are on the better the response.


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