Global Economy, Global Government, What is next?

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." (Proverbs 9:10). Hope you will understand this message According to Bible prophecy, the reign of the anti Christ is focusing three "Global One concepts" now. They are T Global Economy: Existing now The global economy, is necessary to fulfill the prophecy in Revelation that he will have the ability to restrict persons from normal buying and selling at the individual level. Such economic control was never possible prior to this generation. If you doubt it exists now, imagine if your Social Security number were deleted. You couldn't work, open a bank account, get a loan, or make a major purchase. Indian Government is spending more than 100 crores of rupees for Unique identification Number for every Indian citizen. Every other nation is working on this. Because Government can control intruders, Terrorists..... Hence Governments across the globe prefers this sys...