
Showing posts from 2010

This world is very funny

Knowing very well that our Lord Jesus' birthday is not 25th Christmas, the entire world is celebrating this day as HIS birthday. Knowing very well that there is no date specified in the Holy Scriptures, we celebrate the festival of Sun God of Roman empire as Christmas day. The very simple reason is that we want to have fun, eat, drink and party in the winter. Christmas is the reason. Who bothers about our Lord today. We concentrate on Santa, gifts, decorating tree and crib. If HE is born in our heart, then it is real Christmas. Merry Christmas to you all. Sridhar


1. Tithing is not investment. Do not expect that GOD will give you the money you tithed with interest. 2. Tithing is what you show the gratitude for what you have received already from GOD. 3. What you are tithing is not your money. It is HIS money. 4. Money, wisdom, or knowledge, Work or Business, all that are given to you from Heaven. 5. If someone promises good returns from heaven if you give them one tenth of your income, do not give them. Instead you give it to poor or Missionaries who genuinely work for God’s ministry. 6. If some claims that they need this much money for building or this much for that or that, do not be cheated. If they are really doing God’s ministry, they need not ask you. They have to simply do the ministry. Whatever required for them will be provided to them by GOD our Father. St. Thomas, St. Francis Xavier, Robert De Nobile , … came to India to preach the word of God. From whom they asked money. ...

Global Economy, Global Government, What is next?

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." (Proverbs 9:10). Hope you will understand this message According to Bible prophecy, the reign of the anti Christ is focusing three "Global One concepts" now. They are T Global Economy: Existing now The global economy, is necessary to fulfill the prophecy in Revelation that he will have the ability to restrict persons from normal buying and selling at the individual level. Such economic control was never possible prior to this generation. If you doubt it exists now, imagine if your Social Security number were deleted. You couldn't work, open a bank account, get a loan, or make a major purchase. Indian Government is spending more than 100 crores of rupees for Unique identification Number for every Indian citizen. Every other nation is working on this. Because Government can control intruders, Terrorists..... Hence Governments across the globe prefers this sys...

Laminin - The protein that holds human body together

'Laminins are a family of proteins that are an integral part of the structural scaffolding of basementmembranes in almost every animal tissue.' ... Laminins are what hold us together.. LITERALLY.. They are cell adhesion molecules. They are whatholds one cell of our bodies to the next cell. Without them, we would literally fall apart. Refer Wikipedia The glue that holds us together..... ALL of us..... Is in the shape of the cross. Immediately Colossians 1:15-17 comes to our mind : 'He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible And invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in Him all things HOLD TOGETHER. ' (Colossians 1:15-17) Thousands of years before the world knew anything about laminin, Paul penne...

I heard him

The true living God, so awesome, can hear your voice and respond. You will be surprised to hear HIS response I heard HIM thrice in the past one week. HE responds to my voice. If I can hear, it is possible for you also. I can share my witness to you over phone or personal mail. With prayers Sridhar

Who is Christian?

Instead of worshipping, we have to follow him. In addition to our prayers, we need to love him, every day, every minute of our life. If we think about Jesus only on Sunday morning, we cannot be a Christian. We can use this term as a designation and claim in the society that we are a Christian. but not in front him.

Who is Christian?

A true Christian is the follower of Christ, in his/ her life. Many people today claim that they are Christians. They attend mass / service on Sundays. but in real life, we feel that God is in the church, Bible is meant for reading, and we forget the teachings of Christ in our life. that is the reason Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of Indian Nation, said that he likes the teachings of Jesus Christ and not the Christian. We freely advises our non-Christian friends on anything under the Sun, but still we hate our neighbors and relatives, hate colleagues in the work place, desires for easy money, greedy for more wealth, etc.... In summary, we worship Jesus but fail to follow him. How can we call ourselfs a Christian?

One man made 1,70,000 people to follow TRUTH

"His success as a missionary was that the Christian population swelled from around 30,000 in 1656 to over two lakh in 1706" Reference : Who is he, shared the word of God to 1,70,000 people in South India during the period 1656 to 1706? Who is he made 1, 70,000 to know the living God, made them to know the TRUTH? Roberto de Nobili ( Ref : ) The methodology Reobert de nobili used may be a topic for debate for people like Arun Shourie who cannot accept the TRUTH. The fact is the people with wisdom can understand the the TRUTH and follow it. They followed. Robert De nobili mastered Sanskrit and Tamil, two languages and authred books. He was able to convince the orthodox Brahmin priests too. Thanks to Nobili for his mission at South Indai. May our Lord Jesus award Nobili.